With over 4 decades of experience in the space of road transportation, Moongipa Roadways Pvt. Ltd. has been reinventing itself with every change in the logistics industry. The company, started by Mr Basudeo Agarwal in 1981, is now being headed by the 3rd generation – Pratik, Harsh & Samit. The youngsters have been keeping pace with the fast changes in the logistics industry and have also diversified into other verticals, including warehousing.
Moongipa Roadways has a vast network spread across India. They have branches in all the 4 zones of the country, offering parcel as well as full truck load transportation. Moongipa Roadways is providing customised door-to-door services to its clients in the corporate as well as individual space.
Talking of the differentiators that Moongipa Roadways offers, Pratik says that strategic delivery of goods is critical to their market position. He adds that shorter transit times, lower delivery costs, order traceability and service reliability are key differentiators by which customers can get efficient and economical transportation services.
Adding to the above, Samit says that Moongipa Roadways distribution network and partnerships allow the company to deliver cargo to any part of India. Samit terms his company's services as friendly, efficient and cost effective.
Moongipa Roadways has a network of 100+ strategically located offices and warehouses across India, offering, as they call it, unparalleled logistics and warehousing solutions to the cater all kinds of needs of the customers, across the country and across segments.
According to Harsh, the vision of Moongipa Roadways is " To enhance the wealth generating capability of the enterprise in a globalised environment, delivering trusted, superior and sustainable stackholder value "
At the same time, the mission of the company is to “Sustain Moongipa's position as one of India's most valuable corporates through world class performance, creating growing value for the Indian economy and for the Stakeholders of the Group "
To achieve the above and set itself apart from other companies, the company has the following offerings
Moongipa Roadways already has a very impressive clientele featuring some of the largest industrial houses in the country. With a zest to grow and further expand the business, Pratik, Harsh and Samit are investing further in technology and warehousing space to offer better solutions to its customers.
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